Summer is Here! Excitement is in the Air!

Dear Church Family,

Summer is officially here. School is out. The temperature is over 90 almost every day. Families are going on vacation. Excitement is building for 3 major events coming up real soon.

First, Family Fun Day at Quail Ridge Mobile Estate Park. Saturday, June 16, 11 am to 2 pm. Set up time beginning at 10 am. We will serve free hot dogs, cold drinks, snow cones, and popcorn. There will be inflatable jumps for the kids, as well as various games with prizes. The Gospel will be shared in as many different ways as we can. There will be a prayer table where we will offer to pray with anyone who feels the need.  Two summer-missionaries will be helping. The Gideons will be handing out Bibles. The Spanish church, Iglesia Bautista Victoria, will be ministering to the Spanish-speaking people.

We will be registering everyone that comes.  As we get signed permission cards for the kids to participate in the activities, we will also try to find out if they attend a church anywhere.

Make no mistake. This is an evangelistic event! We need a lot of people to help in many ways. Please mark your calendars and do your part. There will be a team meeting, Wednesday evening at 5:30 at the church.

Also, we plan to use the Family Fun Day to promote a new Bible Study to be held at the Mobile Home Park beginning the next week. Please pray for all of this.

Then, in July, our youth will be at camp for a week followed by VBS July 16-20.

Please don’t forget to pray for Orin Langley and Kihren Campbell who are doing mission work during June and July in Texas and Florida.

God is doing some exciting things at East Ridge.

Try not to miss out on any of it.

We love you. See you Sunday.