God is Good – All the Time!

Dear Church Family,
If you are not aware of it yet, God is so very good all of the time.
When sorrow or troubles strike, that is when we notice it most. Last week, our beloved sister, Anita Morgan went to be with the Lord. It was a complete shock to us all. As we grieved, God comforted us and made His goodness known.
We also experienced His goodness as He answered prayers for my loving wife, Pat, who had a hip replaced last Tuesday. Your prayers are priceless. I know many of you are still praying for her as she is on the road to recovery. Thank you for not just the prayers but for the wonderful FOOD! Your preacher may get fat before Pat gets well.
Great News! Orin Langley and Kihren Campbell are now serving the Lord with Clear Camp at a Christian camp in Florida. They will be there until the end of July. Please keep them in your prayers as they teach the Word of God and lead children to Christ.
Last week we were praying for our youth while they were at camp and that God would take total control of their young lives and make them into all that they can be. Their reports yesterday were very exciting and encouraging to us all!
Don’t forget VBS begins TODAY, July 16. We have the workers, the decorations, and all the materials. Now, all we need are children. Lots of children. Please pray and ask God who you can bring. Let’s fill God’s house to overflowing and pray for many to be saved.
We love you.
See you Sunday