The Importance of Prayer

Dear Church Family,

Good News! God is continuing to bless East Ridge. His Spirit is moving. Our numbers are growing. We have experienced NO summer slump. With school starting and vacation season ending, we are expecting to see things to continue to improve. 
Last Sunday night we had one of the largest attendances in an evening service that I can remember which is probably partially due to the new class “Facing the Storm” that Bro. John is teaching regarding what is happening in our nation as Satan is attacking Christian people, specifically us as Southern Baptists. John gave a general overview as to how what has happened to the SBC is just part of the overall attack against our country as the Socialists/Communists/Marxist try to take over. For them to win, they must eliminate Bible-believing Christian churches and denominations. One of their tactics is to cause division, which they are doing. They also paint Christians as evil hate-filled bigots who are responsible for many of the social ills. As they do that, they try to convince the church that the main mission of the church is to correct social injustice instead of caring out the Great Commission of  making disciples by leading lost people to Christ. This is called The Social Gospel, which is not the true Gospel. We must beware. We must pray as we stand firmly on the Word of God.
The class will continue next week with more specifics. I would encourage everyone to attend. The spiritual war is raging and we are in it. 
This week we did prayer walks at 2 elementary schools and had an excellent attendance, as well as, acceptance from the teachers in those schools.
Also, we would like to invite all men to join us praying this Friday night at 7 PM. I will not preach. There will be no food served, nor an offering received. Just men praying.
Each man is free to pray as long as he wishes in the manner that he is comfortable with. No pressure to pray aloud.
Don’t forget. PAUL’S JOURNEY will be at East Ridge this Sunday night at 6:30 PM! Bring a friend!
We love you.
See you Sunday.
Tell somebody about Jesus.