Forward in Faith

Exciting News at East Ridge!

Dear Church Family,

Three weeks of record high attendance were followed by heavy rain and very low attendance.  Praise God that the sky is clearing; the sun is shining and our people are returning. It is good to know that God is always on His throne and He is continuing to bless East Ridge.
We are rejoicing over Kylie Combs and Lilah Watson who publicly trusted Jesus as their Savior and Lord this past Sunday and for Charlene and Darwin Guillot who are moving their membership to East Ridge.
During our business meeting this past Wednesday, we voted on some very important items.
First, we voted to buy new video cameras and equipment. Our current system is over 15 years old and is producing very low-quality videos that are not fit for broadcast.
Second, we voted on a motion from the Steering Committee, Finance Committee and Deacons to proceed with the construction of a new Sunday School/Education building that will have 8 classrooms, 2 restrooms and a nice-size storage room. This building will replace the old portable classrooms that we are now using. Now that it is approved, we will immediately begin a fund-raising campaign, “Forward in Faith”.
The third vote was to set Keith Johnson aside as a Deacon Candidate for a period of one year during which he will be trained and work alongside our Deacons. At the end of the year, the church will vote upon proceeding with his ordination.
Rehearsals have begun for our Christmas Cantata and for the Children’s Christmas play. Please pray for all those involved.
We love you.
See you Sunday,
Bro. Alan