Welcome 2019!

Dear Church Family,

I want to begin by thanking God for your being the most loving and generous church family that anyone could ask for. Thank you for your wonderful Christmas and Birthday gifts. Far more than I deserve.

Thank you for your prayers. Your prayers and encouragements inspire us to doing all we can to obey God’s call as your pastor in 2019.

Let us pray that this will be the greatest year in history for East Ridge as we build the new Educational Building and lead souls to Jesus.

I pray that we will be able to continue to expand our world-wide ministry via the internet. Sara does a great job with it getting the gospel out from East Ridge. So, please remember her in your prayers.

It is disappointing that we will not be able to distribute tracts at the Fur and Wildlife Festival in Cameron this year. However, God willing, we will be tracting the rodeo February 2 and the Children’s Mardi Gras parade March 3.

Some of us went though some difficult times during 2018 but God carried us through them. Whatever we face in 2019 as a church or as individuals, God will be there and be all we need.

As we study Bible Prophecy and watch the news, we are convinced that Jesus is coming soon. So, we must do all we can as quickly as we can to tell our world the Good News of how they can be saved.

We love you

See you Sunday

Bro. Alan