Summer is Here, Get Involved!

Dear Church Family,

God continues to bless us with good attendance and finances and mostly by saving souls and allowing us to baptize the new believers. Praise His name!

Three of our young men, Kihren Campbell, Zane Trahan and Orin Langley, are now serving the Lord for the next two months as staff workers and Bible teachers with Clear conducting Vacation Bible Schools and Youth Camps in Texas and Florida. Please pray for them each day.

As you pray, please remember to pray for our Personnel Committee that is searching for an Associate Pastor and for our Nominating Committee that is busy finding teachers and officers for our Sunday School, Disciple Training and other positions that are very important to our ministry.

Vacation Bible School will be coming soon and still needs several volunteers to help. If you would like to volunteer to serve in any area, please let it be known by talking to Nancy or Sara Drott.

The Southern Baptist Convention is currently holding its annual meeting. While the Convention does not control us in any way, we are affected by the Convention’s stand on various issues and statements because of our affiliation with it. Please pray for the Convention, its leadership and the direction that it is heading. Pray that it will return to its Biblical foundation and refocus on the Great Commission of leading souls to Christ and making disciples. This Sunday, during the 6:30 pm worship service, we will give a report to the church what we experienced at the meeting.

We love you.

See you Sunday.

Bro. Alan