Share Jesus Without Fear

Dear Church Family,

God is truly blessing East Ridge with people being saved, baptized and joining the church almost one a week. Some of what we are experiencing, is the ripple effect of Vacation Bible School. Special “Thank you” to all who worked so hard and shared Jesus during VBS. And are following up with the children who made decisions. You planted Gospel seeds and cultivated young tender plants. We are praying that the harvest will continue for a long time as entire families are reached by the children’s testimonies.

In the next few weeks, you will be hearing a lot about “Share Jesus Without Fear”. It is a 4 week course that has a one hour class each week plus daily assignments that can eliminate all the fears that have held many of us back from sharing the gospel. It will enable us to know how to comfortably open a conversation about Jesus, ask questions that will not offend anyone and lead into a gospel presentation that requires no scripture memorization. Having been through this course I can assure you that anyone who completes the course can “Share Jesus Without Fear” with anyone they meet. It is a very thorough and liberating course that we all should consider taking. We will be asking for your level of interest and when would be the best/worst times for you to attend a class. Once we have that information, we will set the times and order the material which includes a nice pocket-size New Testament specially designed for “Share Jesus Without Fear”.  Even the most timid can be among the most confident. God can use us all if we are willing.

As we train ourselves to Share Jesus, we will begin doing “Prayer Walks” in selected neighborhoods, seeking God’s guidance and blessings as we try to reach our area for Christ. We will also want to know when are the best/worst times for you to participate. We are aware that not everyone can walk for several blocks. For those who can’t, they can remain at the church and pray for those who are walking and praying. This is something we can all participate in.

Now, for the finances. God is blessing, but some of us have apparently forgotten our commitment to give to our building fund. We are making our monthly note, but our funds are dwindling. Just a reminder……. If you haven’t been giving, this is a great time to start.
We love you.
See you Sunday.
Bro. Alan