Phase 1 Reopening Plan

Dear Church Family,
We will return to worshiping in our building May 24 with 2 services, 9 AM and 10:30 AM.  We will try to abide by all of the health guidelines and be cautious about endangering anyone’s health having our building thoroughly sanitized before each service.
We will return in phases.
In other words, due to the need for social distancing, we won’t have Sunday School, a nursery, or children’s church, at first. Our choir will be reduced to a few members spaced farther apart. Seating in the sanctuary will be limited to 50 people with another 50 in the fellowship hall. We are purchasing a very large screen TV for that.
Prior to the virus, our attendance often exceeded 150. To provide an opportunity to worship for an additional 50-100 people, we will have a 9 AM service and a 10:30 AM service, giving time for the building to be cleared and sanitized by 10:15. People will be encouraged to respect the health of everyone and maintain social distancing while in the building by sitting close only to people of the same household and avoiding physical contact with those outside of their household. Hand sanitizers will be used. Masks and gloves maybe worn but not required nor provided.
We will continue to air the sermons on the internet. So, anyone who feels they should not risk being in the building with others, can still worship at home as many are doing now. We have a very large following on the internet for Sunday morning and for Bro David’s messages on Sunday evening plus the Wednesday night Bible Study. So, we will continue all of these at least until we phase Sunday night services and Wednesday night Bible Study/Prayer Meeting back into our meeting in the building. Of course, we plan to phase Brotherhood, Sisters-on-Mission, and BEANBAG BASEBALL back in, as soon as we can.
God is blessing our Drive-in worship services in a great way. The last 2 weeks, we have had 60+ cars in the parking lot. If there was an average of only 2 people per vehicle, there were at least 120 people worshiping at East Ridge. PRAISE GOD!
We will continue the Drive-in services this Sunday, May 17. So, come and be blessed.
Tony is phasing our youth ministry back in as quickly and safely as he can.
Please pray for wisdom and for our following God’s guidance for Bro. Tony, Bro. David, the deacons, and me as we try to lead as God leads us.
We love you.
Bro. Alan