Prayers for Revival

Dear Church Family,

Time is passing very quickly. Please start praying now for Revival. We have revival services scheduled March 23-26 beginning with a Gospel concert/worship service led by Paul’s Journey on the 23rd. They were with us last fall for a one-night concert and were such a blessing that we felt led to invite them back. God is using them in revival meetings as well as the concerts across America. Please clear your calendars for these 4 dates and give this top priority.

If we do our part of praying and inviting people to come to each service, the church should be packed every time. If we pray for lost souls and bring them, no doubt some will be saved. If we pray for back-slidden Christians and bring them, no doubt some will be revived and return. If we expect God to do a mighty work, we need to be willing to roll up our spiritual sleeves and do a mighty work ourselves. At a time like this when the needs and possibilities of a revival of historic proportions are so great, the hardest and most important work we can do will be done on our knees.

Will you commit to praying 5-10 minutes every day for revival between now and the 26th? Will you find a prayer-partner and covenant to pray daily with them? Will you help create small prayer groups of others who see the need and are willing to pray with you at least once a week? Sunday School Teachers, please sacrifice a few minutes of your teaching time to pray for revival.

It has been a long time since we have seen a great heaven-sent, sin-killing, soul-saving, life-changing revival. We need it. Will you join me in praying for it?

I believe God is waiting on us.

Let’s pray.

We love you.

See you Sunday.