
Rejoicing Over Easter Services

Dear Church Family,
Still rejoicing and praising God for the wonderful services we had Easter Sunday morning. We had a near record attendance at the sun-rise service. God blessed us with a beautiful cool morning. We experienced His presence as we worshiped Him and observed the Lord’s Supper out-of-doors.
The 10:30 service was special, unlike any we have had before. Again, we served the Lord’s Supper, but were blessed even more as the choir sang. Both services had many visitors. It was a great day.
Now, we are looking forward to this Sunday. Please mark your calendars and try your best to attend, not only Sunday School and the worship services, but attend the special event at 4:00, we will be honoring Linda Monta for doing an outstanding job leading worship for nearly 40 combined years at East Ridge and Murray Street Baptist Church prior to the formation of East Ridge. I will boldly say that there is no other church our size that has a choir equal to ours or the quality music that we enjoy. Most churches sing songs, but only a few understand what real praise and worship are. Linda has taught us the difference. She is far more than a song leader, choir director or music minister. She leads East Ridge in worship. We are very blessed to have her. Come at 4:00 and tell her so.
We love you.
See you Sunday. Bring a friend.
Bro. Alan