Replacing Fear with Faith
Dear Church Family,
First, I want to say “Thank You” for the many cards and gifts that you gave us for Christmas and my birthday. The love that you expressed truly blessed me. Your love, not just for me, but for Our Savior and each other is so evident that a lady who visited our church for the first time Sunday said she could immediately sense the love and a wonderful spirit of genuine worship. Our slogan “A Fellowship of Love” is accurate. East Ridge is a unique church. She also said that she recently moved to the area, is searching for a church home and was delighted to see that we have a great choir. She had sung in a church choir most of her life and is hoping she might sing in ours.
Speaking of choir, please pray for Linda as she is having a knee replaced this Thursday and will be out a few weeks. We are grateful that Kevin Funderburk, worship leader from First Baptist, Lake Charles will fill in for her during her recovery. Please pray for him and get to know him.
It appears that 2021 may be a difficult year in many ways. I have been preaching on replacing fear with faith in order to deal with whatever comes our way. We need to exercise our faith and stay strong. We need to add to that recipe of replacing fear with faith to stay strong, our need to come together regularly for worship, Bible study and fellowship. We draw strength and encouragement from one another. We need each other. Not at a distance, but up close so we can lean on each other and pick each other up when we stumble or fall or are tempted to run away in defeat. Some of our church family are returning. Others need to and redevelop the being-in-church habit. Please be in your place for Sunday School, both services and Disciple Training and encourage others to do the same. There are blessings waiting to be enjoyed.
We love you. See you Sunday.
Bro. Alan